
Delivering award-winning environmental consulting to our clients since 1997

TSDF Reviews and Risk Sharing Evaluation

ENVISION performs Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF) reviews for our clients to identify the risk in the continuing use of such facilities and to minimize potential liabilities.

We have developed a TSDF environmental site audit program and perform audits annually for our clients, who are mostly manufacturing firms generating both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. The liability for wastes is “cradle to grave”, resulting in risks to a generator if a waste is improperly disposed of, especially if the waste disposal facility improperly handles the wastes. Our clients understand the need for meaningful audits of the TSDFs that they send waste to; however they have limited time and expertise to perform these audits. This is why they call on ENVISION to perform the audits on their behalf.

ENVISION offers customized, professional audit protocols and inspections of TSDFs. Our cost-effective approach assists our clients based on their needs and the relative risk profile of the TSDFs used. We typically use a three (3) phased approach, which saves our clients significant money associated with travel expenses.

ENVISION personnel have experience auditing the following types of TSDFs in North America:

  • Fully Regulated Part B TSDFs (allowed to treat RCRA hazardous waste)
  • State Permitted Facilities
  • Used Oil Recyclers/Refineries/Re-refineries
  • Used Oil Storage, Transportation and Generation Facilities
  • Antifreeze Refining Operations
  • Fluorescent Lamp Recyclers and Universal Waste Handlers
  • Scrap Recycling Facilities
  • Landfills