NJ Project Related Work
- Conducted an environmental assessment of the interior and exterior of a complex manufacturing site in New Jersey, including soil and groundwater sampling and laboratory analysis. Establish criteria for and implemented pilot scale mercury remediation project. Prepared progress and compliance reports to the NJDEP.
- Conducted an environmental site assessment for a lighting manufacturing facility in New Jersey. Scope of work included soil and groundwater sampling and laboratory analysis. Supervised or assisted in the preparation of specifications, selection of contractors, supervision of remediation including tank removals, soil cleanup, mercury removal from floor drains and sanitary sewer lines, and performed compliance sampling and monitoring and issued reports to the NJDEP.
- Conducted an ECRA/ISRA investigation and remediation at a New Jersey chemical manufacturing site. Prepared and implemented the Remedial Investigation Plan, which included in-place closure and/or removal of several underground storage tanks, and the removal of soils contaminated with hazardous materials.
- Conducted Phase I Environmental Site Assessments at more than thirty (30) undeveloped and developed residential and commercial properties in New Jersey. Some of the commercial properties have included office buildings, a real estate agency, a lumber yard, a large butcher shop, a hardware store, a painting contractor, a general aviation airport and several small manufacturing facilities.
- Conducted an environmental assessment of a New Jersey facility involved in the manufacture of feather-stuffed pillows, quilts, and mattresses. Prepared the ECRA/ISRA Initial Notice, the Sampling and Analysis Plan, a site-specific Health and Safety Plan, and a Remediation Plan. Sampling and laboratory analysis included soil and groundwater. Preparation of specifications, selection of contractors, and supervision of remedial actions.
- Conducted Phase I Environmental Site Investigation at a New Jersey Airport for a banking firm. Scope of work included sampling for contaminated soil due to surface stains and soil sampling to determine tank integrity for ten (10) active and inactive underground storage tanks.
- Conducted Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of a New Jersey site prior to a roadway construction project. Phase II investigative activities included soil sampling to delineate contamination associated with surface stains and underground storage tanks.
- Designed and supervised the development of a site investigation and remediation program for a New Jersey transportation company. Prepared Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Work Plan to address environmental concerns at a rail yard. The program included delineation of soil and groundwater contamination and pumping tests to obtain hydrogeologic data for design of a treatment system. Developed an integrated strategy for recovery and monitoring well placement and managed engineering staff in design and installation of a groundwater treatment system. Also worked closely with the client and NJDEP to resolve NJDEP permit issues regarding the discharge of treated groundwater.
- Performed aquifer tests in support of a Water Allocation Permit application to NJDEP-BWA for a New Jersey metals refining facility. Prepared hydrogeological report, permit application, and supporting documentation for permit, which was approved.
- Designed and conducted a passive soil vapor assessment for a New Jersey manufacturing facility, followed by installation of interior borings to collect soil and groundwater samples in order to investigate potential migration pathways and to delineate chlorinated solvent contamination of soil and groundwater under a building.
- Supervised monitoring well investigation to determine distribution of free product at a former rail yard for a New Jersey transportation company.
- Performed a Preliminary Assessment under ISRA for a former specialty chemical manufacturing facility. Work involved site reconnaissance, interviews with former site personnel and local officials, and records review. Resulted in a “No Further Action” (NFA) determination by NJDEP.
- Conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of a New Jersey metal forming plant. Investigation revealed significant impact below building that had been missed by previous consultants. Subsequently conducted extensive soil and groundwater investigation showing no remaining source for contamination of groundwater remains. Obtained closure of most soil AOCs. Conducting soil background investigation that includes geophysical investigation to target sample locations and groundwater monitoring program for the site.
- Conducted a remedial investigation for a former metal plating facility in New Jersey under ISRA. Soil and groundwater had been impacted by metals and chlorinated VOCs. Used groundwater and soil sampling results to show that much of the metals contamination was due to historic fill, and VOC contamination was due to offsite sources.
- Conducted site-wide investigation under ECRA/ISRA of a former flexible packaging facility. Responded to releases of fuel oil and toluene into nearby surface waters. Delineated groundwater contamination in fractured bedrock. Operated a large-scale groundwater pump and treat system to address the fuel oil and toluene contamination. Conducted step drawdown and constant rate pumping tests on a series of recovery wells. Work also involved hydrofracturing wells located in fractured bedrock to improve recovery. Interpreted test data to determine effect of fracturing on recovery. Subsequently conducted groundwater modeling of fate and transport of contaminants to successfully justify cessation of active remediation and to evaluate potential migration paths for contamination potentially migrating from offsite.
- Conducted investigation for former owner of manufacturing facility. Previous investigation had been mishandled by former consultant. Worked closely with the NJDEP and new owner of site to show how extensive site redevelopment had changed site conditions. Installation and sampling of limited monitoring well network showed no groundwater contamination. Provided information to the NJDEP that was able to show adequacy of previous soil excavation, which avoided a potentially extensive re-investigation effort. This included extensive review of work conducted in the late 1980s and early 1990s, as well as plant records. Performance of a limited soil excavation has resulted in NFA under ISRA.
- Prepared series of Remedial Action Progress Reports for a former New Jersey manufacturing facility, documenting performance of a treatment system for groundwater contaminated by chlorinated solvents. Used groundwater modeling and pumping test data to calculate capture zone of the recovery system and demonstrate protection of a sensitive receptor to the NJDEP.
- Conducted a remedial investigation and prepared a Remedial Action Workplan for soil contaminated by hydraulic oil for a New Jersey metal-forming facility. Investigation involved the installation of trenches and borings inside an operating facility, which was completed without disrupting operations. Project also included recommendations for prevention of further oil contamination via application of an advanced coating to a machine sump in floor.
Project Work in Other States
- Performed an environmental site assessment of a nursing home in North Carolina. Supervised the removal of an underground storage tank, which provided fuel to the emergency generator at the site. Also prepared a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan for an aboveground storage tank providing fuel for the generator.
- Prepared Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans and Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plans at ten (10) asphalt plants in North Carolina. Prepared and implemented the plans, conducted required sampling, and conducted training of site personnel to perform the necessary sampling.
- Conducted Phase I Environmental Site Assessments at more than fifty (50) undeveloped and developed residential and commercial properties in North Carolina. The commercial properties included office buildings, gas stations, auto repair facilities, a lumber yard, several stores, numerous residences, and several small manufacturing facilities. Phase II activities included sampling for soil and groundwater contamination. Succeeded in obtaining site closure at the areas of contamination which allowed for commercial and residential redevelopment of the area.
- Conducted a Phase II assessment at a major hospital in North Carolina. Supervised the removal of two (2) large underground storage tanks at the hospital, assessed soil and groundwater contamination from a previous fuel oil spill, and developed a recovery plan for fuel oil leaking into the basement from the spill.
- Conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of a North Carolina site prior to an acquisition. Phase II investigative activities included soil sampling to delineate contamination associated with surface stains and underground storage tanks. Supervised the removal of eight (8) underground storage tanks, including the closure in place of three (3) large tanks that could not be removed due to their proximity to the site building. Assessed soil and groundwater at the site and obtained site closure which allowed the facility to be sold.
- Conducted Phase II assessment and remediation activities at a large North Carolina public park. These activities included the assessment and removal of underground storage tanks and obtaining site closure at several locations.
- Conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of a large inactive rail yard in Pennsylvania, which the city proposed to convert into an industrial park. The Phase I report included recommendations, a sampling and analysis plan and a cost estimate for remediation of the site.
- Developed risk-based strategy for completing remediation for a Pennsylvania industrial painting company. Demonstrated that site remediation had met state-wide health standards under Act 2. Work involved determination of non-use aquifer status, plume delineation, attainment monitoring, and groundwater modeling to determine fate and transport. Site closure was obtained from PADEP.
- Conducted aquifer testing to obtain aquifer parameters and prepared Baseline Environmental Report for a site in a "Special Industrial Area" under Pennsylvania Act 2 regulations.
- Designed and directed remedial investigation of soil contamination below an operating manufacturing plant. Project included coordination with plant personnel and subcontractors to assure no disruption of plant activities. Following delineation of the contamination, several in-situ technologies were evaluated. Biological augmentation was selected as the remedy. Successful implementation of advanced remedial technology was accomplished while the plant continued full operation.
- Conducted Phase II Environmental Site Assessment for a manufacturing facility in South Carolina. Project involved accelerated field investigation with installation and sampling of permanent and temporary monitoring wells, soil sampling, and aquifer testing. Site had multiple areas of concern, including former underground tank farm that had been previously closed by the state, which subsequently exhibited free product nearby in later investigations. Results of investigation and fate and transport analysis showed only minor impacts, and the closed UST case was not reopened.
- Conducted groundwater investigation of former manufacturing facility in Florida. Work included the development of a conceptual site model and presentation to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and groundwater sampling to provide information required to assess future remedial options. Previous consultant had conducted extensive, disjointed groundwater investigation that showed impact beneath neighboring properties to the east and west, with potential to impact a drinking water well on an adjacent property. Encountered free oil and soil impact under the building onsite. Conducted an Interim Remedial Measure to collect free product (hydraulic oil). Discovery of undocumented subsurface structures and conditions prevented completion of the original design. Devised alternative remedial action, obtained approval from FDEP, and carried out installation of passive collection sumps. Subsequently conducted pumping tests on selected sumps to determine potential remedial alternatives. Work completed without disrupting current occupant’s operations. Prepared hydrogeologic report showing that extremely low hydraulic conductivity prevented recovery of product, but existing distribution of product with low conductivity would produce little migration.
- Supervised the installation of emergency test excavations and determined source and migration pathways of visibly impacted water observed during a rain event at an operating manufacturing plant in Mississippi. Installed a recovery sump to control impacted water. Subsequently conducted soil sampling to delineate extent of potentially impacted soil. All impacted water had been recovered and properly disposed of, and soil results showed no need for additional remediation.
- Conducted site investigation/remediation activities at a paper and laminated coatings manufacturing facility in Massachusetts, which was in operation since the late-1880s.
Projects in North, Central, and South America
Performed a number of merger, acquisition and divestiture environmental due diligence assessments. Responsible for the organization of an assessment team, scheduling, completion of the assessments, preparation of checklists and reports, development/determination of liabilities, and presentation of findings to clients. Some of the major assessments included the following:
- $400 million acquisition of major paper manufacturer, which included over a dozen active facilities.
- $20 million acquisition of a consumer packaging facility in 1998.
- $2.1 billion acquisition of major can manufacturer in 2000, which included over a dozen active facilities and over twenty (20) inactive/formerly owned sites.
- $190 million divestiture of consumer packaging firm in 2002.
- $130 million divestiture of healthcare consumer packaging manufacturer in 2003.
- $65 million divestiture of coated films and papers manufacturer in 2004.
$200 million divestiture of healthcare consumer packaging manufacturer in 2004. - $258 million acquisition of plastic packaging manufacturer in 2005.
Over $250 million in single to multi-facility acquisition/disposals since 2006.
Referenced assessments resulted in the need to conduct a number of follow-up activities, such as Phase II assessments, remedial actions, building decon/decommissioning, and compliance management.
- Conducted acquisition/divestiture studies of fifty-one (51) manufacturing facilities in twenty-three (23) states and Puerto Rico for a paper coating firm. The acquisition studies included Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and a review of each facility's regulatory compliance. Phase II sampling activities were conducted at eighteen (18) of the sites.
- Conducted an acquisition study for an international specialty chemical corporation at thirty (30) facilities in the United States and Canada. The study included Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and a review of each facility's regulatory compliance. Phase II sampling activities were conducted at twenty (20) of the sites.